Functions that are supported by a license key should be connected to the common appliance's GUI or CLI and trigger when a license key is installed. 一个许可密钥支持的功能应该被连接到常用设备GUI或CLI,在密钥安装时触发。
Like an academic license, a work licensed under a reciprocal license is intended for the common good. 与学术许可一样,在互惠许可下许可的作品也旨在用于公共用途(commongood)。
It operates under the open source model, which provides a common public license and royalty-free worldwide distribution. 它是基于开放源代码模式的,授权公众免费使用并可以在全球范围内免费发放。
A common license for all code on OpenNTF is important so that companies don't have to do a legal evaluation of each snippet of code from OpenNTF. 为OpenNTF上的所有代码提供一个公共许可非常重要,这样公司就不需要对来自OpenNTF各代码片段执行合法性估计。
The Informix Innovator-C Edition provides small-to-midsize businesses with common database functionality across a wide variety of platforms at no cost ( redistribution requires a separate license). InformixInnovator-C版本免费为中小型企业提供用于各类平台的公共数据库功能(再发行需要单独的许可)。
As a common practice, nation-states often gave private citizens license to harass the ships of rivals states. 当时有个普遍的作法,即单一民族国家经常准许其公民袭击敌对国家的船只。
The most common way to lose a driver's license is by accumulating traffic tickets for moving violations. 失去驾照最常见的一种方式就是多次违反交通规则。
For details on license server, license key, and rational common licensing administration, see the IBM Rational license management guide. 有关许可证服务器、许可证密钥和rational公共许可证管理功能的详细信息,请参阅《ibmrational许可证管理指南》。
Reprint and compilation, which are common on Internet, should be excluded from legal license as far as possible; 对于网络中普遍存在的作品转载摘编行为,应尽量排除法定许可;
The key technology in car license identification system lies in positioning technology for car license zone, character segmentation and character identification technology. This paper discusses the common methods applied in the process of car license identification. 车牌识别系统中的关键技术在于车牌区域定位技术和字符分割与字符识别技术,探讨了车牌识别过程中的常用方法。
This part mainly discusses the common law, civil law the relevant provisions of the business license and make a summary. 该部分主要论述大陆法系、英美法系有关于营业执照的相关规定并且做出总结。
Patent pool is a formal or informal Intellectual Property Organization in which patentees share patents and the common to a third party patent license or authorization. 专利联盟是指专利权人间相互分享专利权及共同向第三方进行专利许可或授权的正式或非正式的知识产权组织。
First, the Theorists have no knowledge of the common understanding of justice, emphasis is far from enough, and some even confuse with fact-free license and other related theoretic. 第一,理论界至今没有一个对司法认知的统一认识,重视程度远远不够,甚至有人将其和免证事实等相关理论混淆。